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What is TCTW?

The nation’s 500+ technology centers, technical centers and career centers serve a valuable purpose — to offer specialized training leading to advanced credentials and degrees that are too expensive for high schools to offer. Students may attend centers for only part of the school day, week or year — or attend full time, receiving all of their academic and technical instruction at the center.

What TCTW Offers:

SREB helps state, district and center leaders align curriculum, instruction and assessments around TCTW tools and strategies and ensure that students stay on track. 

SREB helps center leaders accelerate credential and degree attainment by restructuring master schedules to allow full-time study at the center or a partnering community and technical college during the senior year of high school, extend the school day or year, or create 13th year programs.

SREB also helps centers target the resources they need to employ full-time literacy and math teachers who can offer English and math courses that count toward graduation. These teachers can also work with center teachers to embed academic skills in project-based assignments and provide extra help to struggling students. 

For more information about TCTW (Tech Centers That Work) follow the links below:

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Last Modified on Mar 31, 2022
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