CareerTech Videos
Through a network of 397 PK-12 school districts, 29 technology center districts, 16 skills center sites and 32 adult education and family literacy providers, enrollment in CareerTech programs exceeds 489,000. The CareerTech system served more than 8,764 businesses in FY23, increasing their profitability through some form of CareerTech service or training. Check out the videos below to learn how we do it.
Oklahoma CareerTech celebrates Career and Technical Education Appreciation Month
Gov. Kevin Stitt recently issued a proclamation declaring February to be Career and Technical Education Appreciation Month in Oklahoma.
CareerTech State Director Brent Haken said CTE Month is an opportunity to reflect on the critical role CareerTech plays in transforming lives through education and workforce development.
CareerTech: Oklahoma's Workforce Leader
CareerTech doesn't just train workers it transforms lives and builds stronger businesses in Oklahoma year after year.
Haken: We Teach Hope & Grit!
Find out how a little grit, determination and hope can change the trajectory of a young person's life.
Haken Speaks on CareerTech Being an Alternative to College
Oklahoma CareerTech Executive Director Brent Haken explains how CareerTech is a viable alternative to college.
Haken Says Graduation Act of 2024 is Monumental for CareerTech
Oklahoma CareerTech Director Brent Haken explains how the Graduation Act of 2024 is a massive benefit for CareerTech.
CareerTech a Growing Presence in Oklahoma Schools
Oklahoma CareerTech Director Brent Haken discusses how CareerTech has become a larger and larger presence in Oklahoma schools.
Director Haken Discusses AI and the Careers of the Future
Oklahoma CareerTech Executive Director Brent Haken talks about what CareerTech is doing to prepare students for the careers of the future, including those that will deal with artificial intelligence.
Director Haken Speaks on Workforce Needs Impacting Oklahoma CareerTech
Oklahoma CareerTech Executive Director Brent Haken spoke at length on how the needs of the state's workforce help shape CareerTech's curriculum.
Director Haken Discusses Oklahoma CareerTech's Growth
Oklahoma CareerTech Executive Director Brent Haken talks about CareerTech's significant growth.
Director Haken Talks Inmate CareerTech Certifications
Oklahoma CareerTech Executive Director Brent Haken discusses how prison inmates can gain certifications that will help them obtain work after they leave prison.
Director Haken Explains What Oklahoma CareerTech Does
Oklahoma CareerTech Executive Director Brent Haken explains how CareerTech gives students the skills they need to have successful careers.
TSA State Competition Reel
TSA State Competition Reel - Spring 2024
Testimonials: Why Oklahoma educators said “Yes!” to FCS, part 2
We caught up with Oklahoma family and consumer sciences instructors at SUMMIT, CareerTech’s annual summer conference, to ask them what fuels their passions as FCS educators.
Testimonials: Why Oklahoma educators said “Yes!” to FCS, part 1
We caught up with Oklahoma family and consumer sciences instructors at SUMMIT, CareerTech’s annual summer conference, to ask them what fuels their passions as FCS educators.
Oklahoma CareerTech: Impacting Oklahomans Every Day
CareerTech is helping students create their futures through hands-on technical training that builds skills.
Oklahoma CareerTech high school students graduate aircraft maintenance summer internship
A crop of ten Putnam City aviation students graduated a summer aircraft maintenance internship on August 8 at AAR Airframe MRO. The internship, co-sponsored by Oklahoma CareerTech, Express Employment Professionals, AAR Airframe MRO, and their related non-profit curriculum provider Choose Aerospace, dovetails with maintenance training they received throughout the regular high school academic year. More than a summer job, the internship sets students on course to fill high-earning, in-demand jobs after graduating high school.
Mobile Meat Processing Laboratory available for statewide workshops
If you're looking for a unique learning opportunity at your school or tech center, CareerTech's Mobile Meat Processing Laboratory is available to you. Recently, Justin Siler, Adult & Career Development Coordinator, showed its features to a group of Oklahoma FFA instructors.
Oklahoma FCCLA's Brandon Weibel elected national president
Members of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America this week elected Brandon Weibel of Silo, Oklahoma, as their national president for 2024-2025 during the National Leadership Conference in Seattle, Washington. FCCLA is a CareerTech student organization, and we congratulate Brandon and Oklahoma FCCLA on this high honor. We caught up with Brandon earlier this year ahead of the state FCCLA conference, and he testified to FCCLA’s impact on his life and career aspirations.
Skills Centers Student Testimonial - Jozie Baugh
Jozie Baugh says she struggled with anxiety in large groups of people and lacked marketable job skills. But her decision to enroll in a CareerTech Skills Center program means she’ll leave prison with social skills, numerous certifications, and a renewed sense of purpose.
Oklahoma TSA members showcase creations, collaboration at state robotics competition
Technology Student Association members from across the state gathered April 16 at Moore Norman Technology Center for the VEX Robotics competition. These competitions are designed to foster collegiality among students with a broad interest in STEM education and careers.
State Director Haken inducted as honorary Oklahoma FCCLA member
Oklahoma's Family, Career and Community Leaders of America state student organization conferred the title of honorary member to CareerTech State Director Brent Haken during its annual leadership conference April 11, 2024, in Tulsa.
Churning out leaders: FCCLA alum teaches Better Butter workshop at state conference
Family and Consumer Sciences students and advisers from across Oklahoma gathered in Tulsa April 11 for the annual Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) state leadership conference.
Better Butter, led by former state and national officer Zeb Kelly, was one of several workshops provided to students. Armed with Mason jars and heavy cream, students acquired an easy, tasty, and fun skill.
CareerTech Skills Centers: statewide training for second chances
Did you know CareerTech is an integral part of inmate education through our Skills Centers division? Our communications and marketing team recently received access to three of our 16 Skills Centers sites. This video is a first look into a broader project about the tremendous impact of these programs.
The CareerTech Skills Centers School System is a division of the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education. Skills Centers specialize in the delivery of career and technology education to inmates under the supervision of the Oklahoma Department of Corrections and juveniles under the supervision of the Oklahoma Office of Juvenile Affairs. The Skills Centers division is also responsible for the state's secondary dropout recovery initiatives.
Oklahoma CareerTech: a workforce solution
Oklahoma CareerTech stands at the forefront of workforce training, providing skills employers need.
Making It Work Day – 2024
Making it Work Day celebrates Oklahomans who changed their lives after facing adversity, and the teachers, administrators, and businesses who helped make that change possible.
Students advocate for CareerTech at CTSO Day at the Capitol
Leaders of CareerTech's student organizations, including FFA, FCCLA, TSA, HOSA, BPA, Skills USA, and DECA had their day at the Oklahoma state capitol. They spoke with lawmakers and learned a lot about their state legislature.
Oklahoma's Film Industry, part 2: Training Oklahomans for their next act
As Oklahoma garners attention for hit shows and Oscar-worthy feature films, our film industry has perhaps never shined brighter on the national stage. It takes a trained workforce to power an industry, so CareerTech has stepped up statewide efforts to deliver training that puts students in front of filmmaking professionals.
Manufacturing a workforce: OMA partners and CareerTech instructors collaborate
Industry partners from the Oklahoma Manufacturing Alliance and CareerTech instructors convened November 14 at Ditch Witch/TORO's home office and manufacturing plant in Perry for a day of learning and collaboration.
OMA partners and CareerTech instructors discussed the prevalence of STEM in middle and high school curriculums as integral to a qualified manufacturing workforce.
Oklahoma Works: agencies unite to streamline workforce development
Oklahoma CareerTech, Oklahoma Employment Security Commission, and Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services are partnered under the national Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act with a common goal to streamline the delivery of state workforce resources to every Oklahoman.
Oklahoma Lt. Governor lends support to Choose Aerospace consortium: "This is the way."
Oklahoma educators, industry partners, and policymakers gathered October 13 at Tulsa Tech's Owasso campus in support of the mission of Choose Aerospace, a non-profit consortium aiming to fill the need for qualified aviation technicians.
Oklahoma Lt. Governor Matt Pinnell delivered a brief keynote on Oklahoma’s aerospace industry outlook.
Oklahoma policymakers recently made the Choose Aerospace maintenance curriculum free to schools and students that choose to establish a program.
CareerTech Aerospace
Steve Shaw reports that Oklahoma CareerTech is using grant money from an aerospace non-profit to bridge a glaring gap as long as they can.
Oklahoma's Film Industry, part 1: State of the Industry
Oklahoma's film industry is booming. Industry leaders weigh in on why productions continue to flock to our state and the need to train a responsive workforce.
Oklahoma CareerTech: Fueling the Oklahoma Economy
Oklahoma CareerTech has been training skilled and dedicated individuals for over 100 years. These individuals are the heartbeat of the Oklahoma Economy. Oklahoma is powered by CareerTech.
Oklahoma CareerTech: Investing in Oklahoma’s Future
Charlie is a story of how Oklahoma CareerTech is filling the critical occupations skills gap. Our work starts from the very beginning, inspiring young leaders and supporting them along their chosen career paths. These individuals are the heartbeat of the Oklahoma workforce, serving thousands of companies fueling the state’s economy. Oklahoma is powered by CareerTech.
Choose Aerospace: Industry leaders sound off on new, free maintenance curriculum
Oklahoma aerospace leaders & educators gathered in Tulsa this summer to receive training and to network regarding Choose Aerospace, a non-profit offering a maintenance curriculum that is free to Oklahoma students.
CareerTech University unites student organization state officers from across Oklahoma
CareerTech University brought together officer teams from seven CareerTech student organizations for two days of leadership training and camaraderie.
Oklahoma CareerTech: Oklahoma’s Workforce Solution
Oklahoma CareerTech is known for being nimble and flexible, quickly adapting to the needs of industry in Oklahoma. In addition to 29 technology centers across the state, Oklahoma CareerTech provides training through 391 PK-12 school districts, 15 Skills Centers, 32 Adult Education and Family Literacy providers and Work-Based Learning programs.
Joseph Gordon's meteoric path to a career in IT
Joseph Gordon landed a VxRail customer support job with Dell this year before his high school diploma was even printed. His secret? Hard work, independent study and the resources and education provided through Oklahoma CareerTech's Moore Norman Technology Center.
From Homeless Teen to Aircraft Quality Assurance Specialist - Porsha Lippincott's Story
Porsha's life changed when a counselor helped her find housing and a CareerTech aerospace program she resonated with. Today, she's an accomplished Quality Assurance Specialist at Tinker Air Force Base. We caught up with her to hear the next chapter of her story.
From CareerTech to MasterChef: Gabriel Lewis
Gabriel Lewis came home to Francis Tuttle Technology Center after appearing on a second season of MasterChef. During our interview, he spoke about his family's influence on his career, the culinary foundations established by the CareerTech System and what his future holds.
Small businesses meet huge opportunities at ICBS 2022
Small business owners and industry leaders echoed a cohesive message at this year's ICBS show: come here to find opportunities and support. We heard directly from these leaders about how the relationships forged through ICBS and OkPTAC directly impact their success in government contracting.
ICBS Testimonial - Sustainment Technologies
Veteran ICBS attendee Michael Morford discusses the insights he gains from the annual show and how it helps his company leverage technology to connect companies of any size with government contract opportunities.
CIB Presents: Mechanical Careers
Do you want a job that requires problem-solving, working with your hands and a diversity of work environments? A mechanical career in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning might be your calling. The Construction Industries Board, in partnership with Oklahoma CareerTech, presents testimonials from workers in the field, students training in the trade and industry leaders on the best path to a sustainable career with great wages and virtually limitless demand.
HOSA Camp Ignite 2022
About 75 Oklahoma HOSA students met this summer for the first ever Camp Ignite -- a few days of inspiration, fun, and learning opportunities for future health professionals.
Skills USA State Convention 2022
CareerTech students and instructors met in Tulsa for the SkillsUSA state convention -- a competition showcasing their best efforts in their respective trades and fields of study. This is a sampling of the amazing work and passion displayed on the convention floor.
Lineman Rodeo
Lineman trainees at Northeast Tech in Pryor challenged each other in the areas of skill, competency, and safety at their first lineman rodeo. Program coordinator Jeff Floyd hopes to one day gather CareerTech lineman trainees from across the state to compete.
Aviation and Aerospace
Aerospace companies and organizations are looking for qualified personnel in every sector of the industry, including aircraft maintenance, unmanned aerial systems and general aviation.
Electrical Careers
The demand for workers across multiple sectors in the construction industry is expected to grow in Oklahoma through 2026, with 850 projected job openings annually for electricians.
OkPTAC Success Stories
Tim Frisby and Brandon Garcia tell us about how OkPTAC helped their aerospace manufacturing business reach the sky with more opportunities in federal contracting.
Skills Centers
CareerTech's Skills Centers system helps inmates transition back to their communities by teaching them the trade and technical skills they need to obtain employment upon release. The Skills Centers program was launched in 1971, when Oklahoma Sen. Jim E. Hamilton authored legislation to establish training for inmates through CareerTech and the Oklahoma Department of Corrections.
HVAC Technicians
Oklahoma will need 430 additional HVAC workers this year. HVAC technicians install, maintain and repair ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration systems that control temperature and air quality. Today's technicians can earn an average of $47,670 a year.