Welcome to CareerTech State Agency Divisions
Overview and general information concerning the state CareerTech agency divisions and the services they provide to Oklahomans.
- This website strives to connect Oklahomans to the CareerTech System's Delivery Arms for accurate, convenient and relevant information.
- If you are a student, browse the Students section and learn how CareerTech can help you.
- If you are a teacher, instructor, or administrator, find helpful resources in the Educators section.
- Employers can check out the Business and Industry section for services provided by technology centers across the state that train employees, develop custom training solutions unique to your company, or obtain brand new training for your expanding workforce.
- Tap into the Technology Centers division to find the many training and educational opportunities that are offered close to your home or business.
- Discover the quality, competency-based, industry-endorsed instructional Products and services for educators of high school programs, technology centers, junior and community colleges, proprietary schools, businesses, and government agencies.
- Accreditation
- Adult Education & Family Literacy (AEFL)
- Agricultural Education (AG)
- American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
- Business, Marketing and Information Technology (BMITE)
- Business and Industry (BIS)
- CareerTech Skills Centers (CTSC)
- CareerTech Testing Center (CTTC)
- Communications and Marketing
- Counseling and Career Development (CCD)
- Curriculum
- Education Support Services
- Empower - Career Training
- Empower - High School Equivalency (HSE)
- Facility Services (FLS)
- Family and Consumer Sciences Education (FCS)
- Federal Legislation Assistance (FLA)
- Financial Services (FIN)
- Health Careers Education (HCE)
- Human Resources (HR)
- Information Management (IMD)
- Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG)
- Leadership and Professional Development (LPD)
- Office of Management and Enterprise Services (OMES)
- Oklahoma APEX Accelerator (OkAPEX)
- Perkins Administration
- Printing, Distribution and Client Services
- Resource Center for CareerTech Advancement (RCCTA)
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
- Trade and Industrial Education
- Work-Based Learning
- Workforce and Economic Development (WED)