Oklahoma Government Website Information Act
The Oklahoma Government Website Information Act requires public bodies to make available on their websites statutes affecting the organization's operation and the public body:
- Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, 25 O.S. Supp.2011, Sections 301 et seq.
http://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/DeliverDocument.asp?CiteID=73425 - Oklahoma Open Records Act, 51 O.S. Supp. 2011, Sections 24A.1 et seq.
Notice Regarding Personally Identifiable Data (Required by 74 O.S.Supp.2019, § 3106.4)
What personally identifiable data is being stored by the ODCTE?
- ODCTE only collects the minimally necessary personally identifiable data from students to be able to validate CareerTech students are being successfully served in Oklahoma. This information includes student’s name and identifier (where provided), location and program studied.
How is the personally identifiable data stored?
- ODCTE stores and protects all personal information in accordance with State of Oklahoma Information Security policies, procedures, guidelines (as applicable). This is to ensure protection to prevent unauthorized system access or intrusion by unauthorized persons. For more information, see
With whom does ODCTE share the personally identifiable data?
- ODCTE only shares personally identifiable data, as allowed by FERPA and/or other federal state laws that requires the sharing of said data for verification of educational services provided in Oklahoma.
Last Modified on
Sep 13, 2024