BMITE Reports and Forms
412 Expenditure Report (K12 Educators Only)
All programs are required to submit an itemized 412 expenditure report by September 1st annually. This report will identify what items were purchased and the percentage of 412 funds utilized for the prior year. We encourage you to try and spend the majority of your funds each year. You can email your report to Rhonda Nix at
Salary and Scheduling Report (K12 Educators Only)
This report is due September 30th annually and captures the courses you are teaching, student enrollment, daily schedule, salary information, and teaching credentials. You will need to have the following information available to complete this report:
- Daily schedule including planning period, lunch period, etc.
- Teaching certificate number
- Salary information (annual base salary, health insurance, extra duty pay)
- Teacher contract start and end dates
- School start and end dates (with students)
- Student course enrollment (student grade level and gender)
- CareerTech course titles (8000 level course codes)
CESI Reporting (Comprehensive School Enrollment)
This enrollment information shows the impact of Careertech funds on students in Oklahoma. The data is also used as part of the Perkins Grant formula.
- Initial Submission – October 31
- Additional Enrollment – January 31
- Final Enrollment – May 31
Follow Up Reports
Follow up reporting gathers data on students you had last year and is due on November 30th.
- Technology Centers – Will follow up on all students
- K12 Schools – Will follow up on all seniors from the previous year
Form 2
If you are looking to add, change or drop a program you will need to complete this form.