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The WorkKeys/CRC process saves valuable time, money, and resources for FES. 

The results are people hired who are a good fit for the position and happy in their career choice.”

— Brenda Rolls, President and CEO, Frontier Electronic Systems

What is the Career Readiness Certificate Program?

Designed by ACT, the company that developed the ACT Assessment college entrance exam, WorkKeys measures communication, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills valuable to any occupation--skilled or professional--and at any level of education. Assessment sites can be found across the state on college campuses, One-Stop sites, CareerTech centers, etc. Individuals' assessments and scores are recorded and housed in a secure database.

Depending on their scores, potential or incumbent employees are awarded a platinum, gold, silver or bronze Oklahoma Career Readiness Certificate. These portable skills credentials, which are easily and nationally recognized, can be used to facilitate job placement, retention, and advancement in our mobile society.

For more information or to find out how your business, agency, or organization can participate in the WorkKeys/Oklahoma Career Readiness project, contact Corey Clapp at 405-743-5447.

Last Modified on Jul 26, 2023
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