Occupational Competency Examination and Science Endorsement
Professional licenses/certificates are accepted in lieu of the National Occupational Competency Testing Institute’s (NOCTI) series of Skilled Worker exams.
Biological Sciences Certification
Adding Area to Standard Teaching Certificate:
- To register for the exam go to: https://www.ceoe.nesinc.com/App/SignInForm.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fApp%2fRegister%2fIdentityConfirmation.aspx. Exams are only offered 4-5 times per year so be sure to register in plenty of time. For test dates go to: https://www.ceoe.nesinc.com/PageView.aspx?f=GEN_Tests.html
- The actual study guide for Biological Sciences can be printed from this website: https://study.com/ceoe/ceoe-courses.html
- Information that has been sent to the field from our agency regarding science credit include the following letters:
- Science Credit is only transcripted by a students’ sending high school. An agreement with the Technology Center must be board approved by the local high school in order for transcription to occur.
- Objectives for the Anatomy and Physiology course that must be taught to grant credit
Study assistance:
- Great synopsis of photosynthesis, cell respiration, etc.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page (Search by term) - Great glossary of terms for review, broken down into subject (botany, ecology, zoology, etc.) http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/glossary/glossary.html
- Online resource materials from MIT. This is specifically for high school teachers (not MIT students!) https://ocw.mit.edu. It covers Chemistry of Life, Cells, Cellular Energetics, Heredity, Molecular Genetics, Evolutionary Biology, Diversity of Organisms, Structure and Function of Plants and Animals and Ecology.
Last Modified on
May 16, 2024