Oklahoma SkillsUSA
Contact Us
Fax Number:
(405) 743-6809
Mailing Address:
1500 W. 7th Ave.
Stillwater, OK 74074-4398
Shipping Address:
1201 N. Western Rd.
Stillwater, OK 74075-2723
SkillsUSA National Headquarters
SkillsUSA's National Leadership Center is located in Loudoun County, Va. The center is approximately 50 miles from our nation's capital of Washington, D.C., and about 30 minutes from Washington-Dulles International Airport. The center was dedicated in 1979, and it sits on 91 acres of Virginia farmland. The two-story brick building houses the national staff of the organization and historical displays and has meeting space for student, teacher and business conferences.
National SkillsUSA Customer Service
(844) 875-4557 | Email
14001 SkillsUSA Way
Leesburg, VA 20176-5494