Native American Consultation
The Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) seeks advice from Indian Health Services, tribal organizations and urban lndian clinics (I/T/U) in developing new or amended state plans, waiver amendments, or policy changes. The Native American page is designed to notify Indian Health Services, tribal organizations, and I/T/Us of any state plan, waiver, or proposed rule changes by providing an online tribal consultation forum. This forum will provide I/T/U's an opportunity to review and make comments.
To make suggestions on rules not currently being considered for change, use the following links:
To view or make comments on upcoming proposed policy, state plan, and/or waiver changes, please click the link of the change(s) below. All comments regarding proposed administrative rules will be considered during the rulemaking process and become a part of the official work folder. All rule changes are subject to the Oklahoma Administrative Procedures Act.
Additional resources:
Policy Change Blog
Click on a policy change blog post below to view more information and add your input.
Disclaimer: Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) policy comment section will be reviewed and considered under the current policy rule change. Personal information should not be shared/or submitted in the comment section. This comment section is reserved for proposed policy rule changes. Any approved comments on a proposed policy change will be available for public view on this site.
1115 Institutions for Mental Diseases (IMD) Waiver Renewal -
OK SPA 25-0003 and APA WF # 25-03 SoonerSelect Policy Revision