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PASRR Determinations

As part of the federally mandated Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) process, all Medicaid certified nursing facilities must fill out the online form LTC-300A on the Provider Portal for all applicants that apply to reside in the facility regardless of pay source. If any of the questions on the top portion of this form are answered “yes,” please contact the Level of Care Evaluation unit staff at (405) 522-7133 or (405) 522-7674 prior to admission for a Level II consultation.

Level of Care Evaluation

The Level of Care Evaluation Unit (LOCEU) coordinates the Federal PASRR (Preadmission Screening and Resident Review) Program statewide. This program assures that all persons entering SoonerCare Certified Nursing Facilities (NFs) are eligible for NF placement, and screens for Mental Illness, Intellectual Disabilities and/or a related condition. Should indications of MI, IID or related conditions be identified, additional assessments are ordered to assure that appropriate services and treatment can be provided.

The Initial Screen is known as the Level I Screen. This Screen can be completed on paper and submitted by mail to the LOCEU. This screen can also be accessed on the Provider Portal and can be electronically completed and submitted (LTC 300R). The Electronic Screen affords the provider immediate transmission and confirmation. It has reduced the incidence of returned screens due to errors or omissions and further reduces the possibility of late submissions. Providers may contact the Internet Help Desk at 1-800-522-0114, option 2, option 1 to set up user IDs for the Electronic System.

Level II assessments are conducted when necessary to insure that a beneficiary requires nursing facility level of care and/or specialized services within the nursing facility.

LOCEU also makes level of care decisions on all beneficiaries entering public and private intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities (ICF/IID), as well as on beneficiaries applying for any three Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS), Developmental Disabilities Services Division (DDS) Home and Community-Based Waivers.

LOCEU is responsible for the determining eligibility for the Tax Equity Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA). This is a Medicaid program which allows services for children with disabilities who live at home regardless of parental income.

LOCEU also audits all of the Home and Community-Based Services waiver programs and provides medical and categorical relationship determinations for disability and incapacity of DHS beneficiaries.

The Level of Care Evaluation Unit (LOCEU) coordinates the Federal PASRR (Preadmission Screening and Resident Review) Program statewide. 

This program assures that all persons entering SoonerCare Certified Nursing Facilities (NFs) are eligible for NF placement, and screens for Mental Illness, Intellectual Disabilities and/or a related condition. Should indications of MI, IID or related conditions be identified, additional assessments are ordered to assure that appropriate services and treatment can be provided.

The Initial Screen is known as the Level I Screen. This Screen can be completed on paper and submitted by mail to the LOCEU. 

This screen can also be accessed on the OHCA secure provider website and can be electronically completed and submitted (LTC 300R). 

The Electronic Screen affords the provider immediate transmission and confirmation.  It has reduced the incidence of returned screens due to errors or omissions and further reduces the possibility of late submissions.  Providers may contact the Internet Help Desk at 1-800-522-0114, option 2, option 1 to set up user IDs for the Electronic System.

Last Modified on Feb 02, 2022
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