Effective October 1, 2024, the Oklahoma WIC program has a contract with Similac brand infant formulas (Abbott Nutrition). See WIC approved formula for more details.
Health Partners
Welcome to the Oklahoma WIC Health Provider Connection
Here you will find WIC information specific to the health care provider.
Documented benefits of WIC
- Pregnant women who participate in WIC receive prenatal care earlier.
- Children who participate in WIC are more likely to have a regular source of medical care and are less likely to be anemic.
- Each WIC participant receives at least one referral to a health care or social service program.
- Moms who participate in WIC are more likely to choose breastfeeding.
- WIC increases the duration of pregnancy and positively impacts babies’ weights prenatally.
WIC supports Health Care Providers
Here are just some of the ways WIC can be of service to your clients.
Pregnant Women
- Weight Management
- Proper Nutrition during Pregnancy
- Breastfeeding Education
- Nutrition Related Medical Conditions
Post Partum Women
- Healthy Weight Management
- Proper Nutrition Post Partum
- Breastfeeding Support & Troubleshooting
- Nutrition Related Medical Conditions
- Monitor Growth
- Food Allergy Support
- Breastfeeding Guidance
- Nutrition Related Medical Conditions
- Solid Food Introduction
- Paced Bottle Feeding Guidance
- Monitor Growth
- Feeding Practices
- Balanced Diets
- Picky Eaters
- Food Allergy Support
- Nutrition Related Medical Conditions
Frequently Asked Questions
Special formulas for a qualifying medical diagnosis may be requested by completion of the Exception Request for Formula/Food form used for women, infants or children. See Formula Information and our Oklahoma WIC Formulary for more details.
Possible reasons include:
- The form is missing information. Please complete the Exception Request for Formula/Food in its entirety.
- The formula requested is not allowable with the diagnosis and/or ICD codes provided. Please provide more information, if available. See Formula Information and our Oklahoma WIC Formulary for guidance.
- The formula that is being requested is a standard milk or soy-based formula that is not within the Oklahoma WIC contract for formula. Please see WIC contract formula for more information.
The WIC food benefits provide supplemental foods designed to meet the special nutritional needs of low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, non-breastfeeding postpartum women, infants and children up to five years of age who are at nutritional risk.
- The WIC food benefits and nutrition education are the chief means by which WIC affects the dietary quality and habits of participants.
- Depending on the participants' eligibility and nutritional needs, the foods that can be in the WIC food package are: milk, eggs, cheese, tofu, yogurt, juice, cereal, peanut butter, dry legumes (beans or peas), canned legumes, peanut butter, fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables, whole grains, canned fish, infant formula, infant fruits/vegetables and infant meat.
**See the Oklahoma Unified WIC Approved Food Card for more details on foods available on the Oklahoma WIC Program.
Dairy milk, Lactose Free Milk, Evaporated milk, Fat Free Dry Milk, Acidophilus milk, Buttermilk and Soy milk (Least Cost Brand).
Children ages 1-2 have whole milk as the standard milk that is assigned. This can be modified to a reduced fat milk like 2% or a low-fat milk like 1% or skim.
- Women and Children 2 and over are issued low fat milk (1% or less) in accordance with USDA Guidelines.
We are able to customize a food benefit within the Oklahoma WIC guidelines that will best fit the client’s needs.
- Prenatal and Post-Partum Breastfeeding Education Classes
- Breastfeeding encouragement and guidance with a breastfeeding specialist, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), or Breastfeeding Peer Counselors, where available
- Evaluation for breast pumps if necessary
- Infant feeding guidance, including hunger and fullness cues
**See Breastfeeding Information for more details.
WIC has breast pumps available for moms who are certified on the WIC program. She should call her local WIC clinic to see what is available.
WIC supports and encourages any and all breastfeeding. Food benefits can be tailored to best meet mom’s needs. Breastfeeding issues and concerns can be addressed through peer counseling, lactation consultants and designated breastfeeding experts.
**See Breastfeeding Information for more details.
At this time, human milk is not provided through WIC.
The WIC program provides services for breastfeeding mothers for the duration of breastfeeding up to 1-year post-partum and non-breastfeeding mothers up to 6 months post-partum.
The WIC Program provides services for children up to 5 years of age.
Helpful Links
- Comparable Formula Reference List
- Find a WIC Location - Contact your local WIC clinic with referrals & questions.
- Oklahoma WIC Information Form - This form is to be used by the Provider to provide information to the WIC program if the client is not able to be physically present at the WIC appointment.
- Oklahoma Unified WIC Approved Food Card - Foods provided are specific to client's category.
- Oklahoma WIC Income Guidelines - For reference only client will need to contact the local WIC clinic for more information.
- Oklahoma Exception Request for Formula or Food - This form is to be used for WIC participants needing non-contract formulas.
- Oklahoma Formulary - This document can be used as a guide for non-contract formulas that may be considered by WIC.
Contact Information
Mailing Address:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
WIC Service
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Suite 1702
Oklahoma City, OK 73102-6406
Physical Address:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK
Phone: (405) 426-8500
Toll Free: (888) 655-2942
Fax: (405) 900-7576