“Standard” absentee ballots are the most common types of absentee ballots. No excuse is required to request a “standard” absentee ballot.
By law, “standard” absentee ballot affidavits are required to be notarized.
*Hand-delivered absentee ballots must be received by the County Election Board no later than the close of business, the Monday before the election.
Title 26 of the Oklahoma Statutes provides that any person who knowingly executes a false application for an absentee ballot shall be deemed guilty of a felony. Any person deemed guilty of a felony under provisions of Title 26 shall, upon conviction, be confined in the State Penitentiary for not more than five (5) years, or fined not more than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00), or both.
Absentee ballot harvesting is unlawful at any election conducted by a county election board in Oklahoma.
Any registered voter in Oklahoma may vote by absentee ballot. It is not necessary to give a reason, although some voters may qualify for special conditions.
In most cases, absentee ballot requests must be received no later than 5 p.m., the third Monday (15 days) preceding the election. Except as allowed by law, only the voter may submit his or her own absentee ballot request.
IMPORTANT: State law requires certain voters to confirm their address before submitting a request for absentee ballots. If you are an inactive voter, OR have been identified by the National Change of Address as having moved, OR have an invalid address for mailing by the United States Postal Service (USPS), OR have had a Voter ID card returned as undeliverable, you will need to complete a Confirm Address for Absentee Ballot form and submit it with your absentee ballot request.
There are several types of absentee ballots – each with specific instructions for requesting a ballot and returning a ballot.
Regardless of the type of absentee ballot you request or how you vote, Oklahoma law requires proof of identity.
“Standard” absentee ballots are the most common types of absentee ballots. No excuse is required to request a “standard” absentee ballot.
By law, “standard” absentee ballot affidavits are required to be notarized.
“Physically incapacitated” absentee ballots are available to those who are physically incapacitated and their caregivers.
The absentee ballot affidavit must have the voter’s signature witnessed by two people.
Accessible Absentee Ballots are available to those who are considered blind, as defined by Title 7, Section 72. The Accessible Absentee Ballot Affidavit must have the voter’s signature witnessed by two people.
Voters confined to a nursing home or veteran’s center in the county where they are registered to vote will have their ballots hand-delivered to them by the county’s bipartisan Absentee Voting Board. Ballot affidavits are witnessed by two members of the bipartisan Absentee Voting Board.
Voters confined to a nursing home or veteran’s center outside the county where they are registered to vote may apply for a “physically incapacitated” absentee ballot.
Uniformed services members, their spouses and dependents and U.S. citizens who reside outside of the country are eligible to apply. Applicants must meet the qualification requirements of 26 O.S. § 14-137.
Voted absentee ballots must be returned with an affidavit signed by the voter.
Voters who become physically incapacitated after 5 p.m. on the third Monday (15 days) preceding an election and are unable to vote in person at the approppriate precinct on the day of the election may be eligible to apply.
Absentee ballot affidavits must be witnessed by two people.
Voters who are deployed after 5 p.m. on the third Monday (15 days) preceding an election as a first responder or emergency worker, “to assist with the rescue, recovery, or relief efforts of a declared natural disaster or state of emergency,” may be eligible to apply.
Absentee ballot affidavits must be notarized.
For your convenience, many banks, credit unions, libraries, businesses and organizations offer free absentee ballot notary services to customers and non-customers alike. In Oklahoma, notaries may not charge a fee to notarize an absentee ballot affidavit.
In-person absentee voting is more commonly referred to as “early voting.” No excuse is required to vote early.