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Frequently Asked Questions for Interested Schools

The school and Oklahoma Human Services share in the cost of the SBS.  The school(s) will provide the state dollar share of the cost, which is 50% of the total cost of the SBS.  The estimated cost for the 22-23 school year is outlined. The estimated cost is based on the actual salary and benefits of the SBSS. The school is expected to provide office space and basic furniture (chair, desk etc.).  Oklahoma Human Services will provide the computer and cell phone; however, the school is responsible for furnishing some type of broadband connectivity. 

The SBS is on the payroll of Oklahoma Human Services. The Finance Division will invoice the school at the end of each quarter for the cost of the employee. The SBS will receive the same benefits as other state employees.  Work assignments and work hours may vary in accordance with the unique needs of the school environment; however, the SBS will work 40 hours per week, the same as other full-time, OKDHS personnel. 

Yes. The first contract can begin at any time during the year, but it will ceases at the end of the fiscal year (June 30th). The contract renewal would be for the next fiscal year. 

The SBS will be selected by an interview which is conducted by representatives from the school and Oklahoma Human Services. The ideal candidate will have experience or equivalent training and/or education in both Family Support Services and Child Welfare Services.  The SBS is viewed as a full service or comprehensive worker. Oklahoma Human Services is responsible for processing and posting all positions.

Yes. The number of schools depends on the agreement between Oklahoma Human Services and the school. In our opinion; however, the increased workload may affect the quality of services.

The SBS works with the partnering school’s students and their families providing social services and, when needed, helps assist with applications for SoonerCare, TANF and SNAP benefits. The SBS also acts as a resource for the school and Oklahoma Human Services. The SBS may participate in team conferences regarding families’ and children’s needs with teachers, counselors, school administrators and child advocates within the confines of Oklahoma Human Services confidentiality.

Yes. The SBS is a full-time, out-stationed worker with overall supervisory responsibility retained by Oklahoma Human Services, but with appropriate input from a designated school official. The Oklahoma Human Services upervisor has monthly contact with the designated school official for feedback on staff performance.  The school representative will provide direct input into the performance appraisal.

Yes. The SBS needs to be fully engaged in the summer, school breaks and extended holidays. They can follow up with students and families already identified as being at-risk during the school year and develop programs for the students. The summer break is also a time for the SBS to complete mandatory yearly training and use annual vacation leave.

Last Modified on Jan 25, 2024
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