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Frequently Asked Questions for Interested Schools

The school and Oklahoma Human Services share in the total cost of the School-Based Family Specialist (SBFS). We will provide the federal dollar share of the cost. The recommended salary of the SBFS is $39,571 gross per year; the total cost with SSA/UE/workers’ comp, insurance benefits, computer, travel, and phone is $73,732 per employee. OKDHS will provide 80% of the total cost of the employee.

The school is expected to provide office space, basic furniture (chair, desk, etc.), and access to a telephone. The school will also provide a computer and cell phone.

The SBFS is on the school district’s payroll. The school district will invoice Oklahoma Human Services at the end of each quarter for the cost of the employee. Work assignments and work hours may vary in accordance with the unique needs of the school environment.

Yes. The first contract can begin any time during the year but will end at the end of the fiscal year (June 30th). After that, the contract needs to be completed for an entire year.

The SBFS may be selected through an interview conducted by representatives from the school and Oklahoma Human Services. The ideal candidate will have experience or equivalent (training and/or education) in both the school and our agency. The SBFS is viewed as a hybrid social worker or liaison. The school district is responsible for processing and posting all positions.

Yes. The number of schools depends on the agreement between Oklahoma Human Service and the school. However, the increased workload may affect the quality of services.

The SBFS works with the school’s students and their families, providing social services and, if needed, assisting with applications for Sooner Select, TANF, and SNAP benefits. The SBFS also acts as a resource for the school and Oklahoma Human Services. The SBFS may participate in team conferences regarding families’ and children’s needs with teachers, counselors, school administrators, and advocates within the confines of school confidentiality. The SBFS is readily accessible to students and their families during periods requiring intervention.

This is a unique partnership that promotes school success and connects families with community services and resources, positively impacting difficult situations that may affect students’ ability to succeed in the classroom, allowing teachers to focus on teaching and students to focus on learning.

The school district will retain the overall supervisory responsibility for the SBFS but with appropriate input from a designated Oklahoma Human Service preceptor/official. Both parties should have monthly contact for feedback on program outcomes. The agency preceptor/official will monitor the contract and site visits.

We recommends that the employee be engaged in the summer. The contract will state whether the employee will be a 10-, 11-, or 12-month employee; this will be up to the school district. The SBSF can follow up with students and families already identified as at-risk during the school year and develop student programs. Some participate in summer school and food nutrition programs. It is also a good time

Last Modified on Jul 25, 2024
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