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Governor's Dashboard of Metrics

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Glossary of GovDashboard Metrics

Broadband Fastest Internet Speeds: Oklahomans with Reliable Broadband Access measures the number of homes and businesses in Oklahoma that have access to at least 100 Mbps download speeds and 20 Mbps upload speeds divided by the total number of broadband serviceable locations.

Childhood Obesity: Childhood Obesity is measured using The National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) statistics. The NSCH collects information on the health of children in the United States who are 0-17 years old. Parents or caregivers are asked to report their child’s height and weight, which can be used to calculate body-mass index (BMI) for children 10-17 years. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says children are considered overweight with a BMI in the 85th percentile to 95th percentile, and obese with a BMI at or above the 95th percentile. These conditions are the result of a caloric imbalance occurring when too few calories are expended based on the amount of calories consumed, and can be affected by genetic, behavioral and/or environmental factors.

Children in Out of Home Placement: Children in Out-of-Home Placement (per 1,000 Children) is a point-in-time count of people under age 18 served in out-of-home care by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS). Monthly totals are the number of children in out-of-home care with OKDHS as of the last day of the month.

Education Attainment High School Degree or Higher: Refers to the educational attainment (highest degree of education an individual has completed) for all people of at least 25 years of age. This is as defined by the US Census Bureau Glossary.

Electricity Generated by Wind: Wind power or wind energy is a form of renewable energy that harnesses the power of the wind to generate electricity. It involves using wind turbines to convert the turning motion of blades, pushed by moving air (kinetic energy) into electrical energy (electricity).

Energy Affordability Retail Price per KWh: Retail Price per Kilowatt Hour measures the retail price of electricity in cents per kilowatt hour and compares Oklahoma to other states by ranking based on price in cents per kilowatt hour.

Higher Education Degrees and Certificates Conferred: The number of postsecondary education degrees and certificates conferred is reported by the National Center for Education Statistics’ Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) and divided by the state population according to the latest census estimate for Oklahoma, and converted to a per 100,000 rate. IPEDS collects completions data for the prior academic year each fall, with provisional data typically available in early summer.

Incarceration Rate: The Incarceration Rate is the total prison population per 100,000 Oklahomans, and is a point-in-time daily count of the prison population. The total prison population is composed of the number of inmates in state corrections custody plus the number of inmates sentenced to state corrections custody that are currently housed in county jails.

Juvenile Custody Rate: The Juvenile Custody Rate (per 100,000 Children) is a point-in-time count of youth in the legal/state custody of the Office of Juvenile Affairs. Monthly totals are number of children in OJA’s legal custody as of the last day of the month.

Labor Force Participation Rate: The labor force participation rate is a measure of an economy's active workforce. The formula for the number is the sum of all workers who are employed or actively seeking employment divided by the total noninstitutionalized, civilian  population 16 years old and over.

Monthly Demand of Hotel Rooms Sold: The number of hotel rooms sold within the state of Oklahoma is collected, summed and reported by STR, Inc. per contract with the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department.

Monthly Inventory of Hotel Rooms Sold: Number of rooms in a hotel or set of hotels multiplied by the number of days in a specified time period. Refer to Data Reporting Guidelines for more specific application.

Monthly Rate of Hotel Rooms Sold: Hotel Rooms Sold measures the number of hotel rooms sold in a monthly time period and excludes complimentary rooms.

Offender Recidivism: Offender Recidivism is defined as relapse into criminal behavior. This measure indexes the proportion of released inmates in a given year that return to prison during the 36 months following release from incarceration.

Oil and Gas Production: The EIA-914 report collects crude oil and lease condensate (combined), and natural gas production volume data on a monthly basis by state from a sample of well operators (oil and gas companies). Under the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-275), operators are required to submit the EIA-914 report. Hereafter crude oil and lease condensate are referred to as oil, and natural gas as gas. In addition to oil production volumes, oil sales volumes for nine API gravity categories are also collected by state/area.

Opioid Related Drug Deaths Rate: The Opioid-related Drug Overdose Death Rate of Oklahomans includes unintentional and undetermined manner overdose deaths involving at least one opioid, either isolated or in combination with other substances, as the cause of death as determined by the medical examiner and reported by the Oklahoma State Department of Health. Rates are used for comparison and thus are expressed as per 100,000 people in the population so that the numbers are comparable to other states and nationally. Values may increase retroactively due to ongoing investigations.

Per Capita Personal Income: Per Capita Personal Income (PCPI) measures the average personal income of all Oklahomans in comparison to the national average. To arrive at this figure, the total personal income reported for all residents of the state is divided by the state population, resulting in an average. That average is then compared to the national average.

Quality Pre K Enrollment: The State of Preschool annual report tracks preschool enrollment, funding and policies state-by-state. This metric represents the access and enrollment of 4 year olds to preschool.

Rate of New Entrepreneurs: The Kauffman Indicators of Early-Stage Entrepreneurship is a set of measures that represents new business creation in the United States, integrating several high-quality, timely sources of information on early-stage entrepreneurship. rate of new entrepreneurs reflects the number of new entrepreneurs in a given month.

Real Gross Domestic Product Growth: The Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) reports the market value of all goods and services produced within Oklahoma adjusted for inflation. Gross domestic product growth is a measure reported quarterly as percentage change of the growth of Oklahoma's GDP.

Regional Price Parities: RPPs are price indexes that measure geographical price level differences for one period in time within the United States.

State Reserves: The dollar figure for state reserves and unencumbered funds measure reflects the aggregate amount of unspent general fund revenues and saved monies available to the state. Saved monies are in the Constitutional Reserve Fund (Rainy Day Fund) and the statewide Revenue Stabilization Fund on the day after each monthly allocation of revenues. FY 2015 through FY 2018 annual amounts reflect end-of-year amounts available.

State Reserves Percent of Total Expenditures: The percent figure is the savings and unencumbered dollars as a percentage of general revenue expenditures, according to the latest data released by the National Association of State Budget Officers.

Structurally Deficient Bridges: Structurally Deficient Bridges is a measure of  how many bridges in the state ODOT owns that are structurally deficient, This is shown as the percentage of the total number of state-owned bridges in poor condition.

Suicide Rate: The Suicide Rate of Oklahomans measures the number of deaths that meet the definition of suicide as defined by the National Violent Death Reporting System. Rates are used for comparison and thus are expressed as per 100,000 people in the state population so that the numbers are comparable to other states and nationally. 

Traffic Related Fatalities Rate: Traffic-Related Fatalities measures the number of persons killed in all forms of traffic-related crashes, expressed in terms of the actual number of people affected at the time of reporting. Values may increase retroactively due to ongoing investigations.

Unemployment Rate: The unemployment rate is defined as the percentage of unemployed workers in the total labor force. Workers are considered unemployed if they currently do not work, despite the fact that they are able and willing to do so. The total labor force consists of all employed and unemployed people within an economy.

Visitors to the State of Oklahoma: Visitors to the State measures the number of person trips for leisure or business to or within Oklahoma by domestic travelers in the U.S. Excludes commuting to/from work or school and trips taken as a flight attendant or commercial vehicle operator. Requires travel 50 miles or more, one-way, away from home (including day trips) or includes an overnight stay.

Yearly Net Domestic Migration: Net migration is the number of immigrants minus the number of emigrants, including citizens and noncitizens.

Last Modified on Oct 22, 2024
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