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Library: Policy

340:75-13-45. Clothing purchases for children

Revised 9-15-17

(a) Clothing accompanies child.The Child Welfare (CW) worker obtains the child's clothing, and any other items that have personal meaning to the child, from the parent(s) at the time of initial placement in out-of-home care.Clothing purchased for or accompanying the child belongs to that child.The CW worker and placement provider ensure the clothing accompanies the child when the child moves from one placement to another. • 1

(b) Clothing purchase authorization amounts.The amounts designated as clothing authorizations are set out in Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) Appendix C-20, Child Welfare Services Rates Schedule, as amended from time-to-time, as approved by the DHS Director.

(c) Use of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Administration (SSA)funds before clothing authorizations.A child who is a recipient of SSI or SSA benefits is not eligible to receive clothing authorizations.Instead a spend-down must be completed against the child's trust account or the payee must supply the clothing with the SSI or SSA benefits.

(d) Types and uses of clothing authorizations.

(1) One-time startup authorization.  • 2

(A) A one-time startup authorization may be issued for a child at initial placement into a kinship home that is not receiving foster care maintenance payments.

(B) Another one-time startup authorization may be issued when DHS subsequently places a child into another kinship home that is not receiving foster care maintenance payments.

(2) Emergency clothing authorizations.Authorized staff in each county may provide emergency clothing authorizations not more than four times in any twelve-month period.An emergency clothing authorization may not be issued within 90-calendar days of the issuance of a one-time startup authorization or a previous emergency clothing authorization. • 2

(A) The child's CW specialist requests an emergency clothing authorization four times a year for a child placed in a:

(i) non-paid kinship home;

(ii) non-funded group home; or

(iii) psychiatric facility, such as an acute or residential treatment center, in-state or out-of-state.

(B) Emergency authorizations may be provided for a child:

(i) residing in youth services shelters without adequate clothing;

(iii) residing in a DHS operated group home and, when applicable, her child;

(iv) placed directly from inpatient psychiatric care into a Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) home prior to the availability of SSI benefits;

(v) placed in maternity residential services; and

(vi) on a case-by-case basis for exigent circumstances and with prior approval by the Child Welfare Services Operations and Business Processes Section Financial Operations administrator.

(3) Clothing authorization process.The designated staff at the local DHS office processes clothing authorizations through the AS400 Finance Division system.  • 3 The authorization is provided to the placement provider who purchases the clothing through a vendor who accepts DHS authorizations.The vendor submits the authorization to DHS for payment.

(4) Clothing.

(A) The foster parent is responsible for providing adequate clothing for the child based on the child's needs, such as a minimum of a week's worth of clothing that is appropriate for the season and well-fitting.The foster parent maintains an inventory of clothing utilizing Form 04FC004E, Clothing Inventory.  • 4 The clothing allowance is included in the monthly foster care maintenance payment for a child who is in DHS custody and placed in a:

(i) foster family home;

(ii) paid kinship home; or

(iii) specialized community home.

(B) The clothing allowance is included in the daily foster care maintenance payment rates per the DHS contract for:

(i) TFC; and

(ii) funded DHS group homes and maternity homes.

(C) Clothing is purchased with SSI or SSA benefits for a child who is in DHS custody and placed in a DDS foster home or non-paid kinship home.

(5) Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) placements.The clothing allowances for a child in DHS custody placed in foster care out-of-state through ICPC are included in the receiving state's monthly reimbursement.

(6) Allowable clothing purchases.Allowable purchases must meet the child's needs and include:

(A) clothing;

(B) shoes; and

(C) disposable diapers.

(7) Disallowable clothing purchases.The items not appropriate to purchase with clothing authorizations are any non-clothing item, such as:

(A) any food item;

(B) athletic equipment;

(C) cosmetics or personal grooming supplies;

(D) hair accessories;

(E) haircuts;

(F) jewelry;

(G) non-prescription medication or supplies;

(H) school supplies; and

(I) toys.


Revised 9-15-17

1.Insufficient clothing.When a child moves from one foster family home to another without sufficient clothing, the Child Welfare (CW) worker completes Form 04AF022E, Report of Violation of Rules in a DHSResource Home, and forwards the form to the assigned resource specialist.

2.Authorization and authorization monitoring.One-time startup and emergency authorizations are closely monitored in each region by designated staff.

3.Authorization process.Each county has a designated staff member who is authorized to provide one-time startup and emergency clothing authorizations.These authorizations are obtained from the AS400 Finance Division system.Issuing an authorization via AS400 Finance system is detailed in (1) through (12).

(1) Open the initial menu screen in Finance and select automated authorizations.

(2) Select option 4 - Foster Care Clothing Authorizations Menu.

(3) Select option 4 - Issue and Print Emergency and Start Up Clothing Authorization.

(4) Enter E for emergency authorization or S for startup authorization in the first field.

(5) Enter the child's last name, first name, and middle initial.

(6) Enter the child's age in years.

(7) Enter the child's KK number.

(8) The vendor to whom the placement provider takes the authorization fills in the vendor number, name, and address fields.

(9) The name of the person generating the automated authorization populates into the contact field along with the phone number.The authorization is signed in red ink.The file copy is filed in the child's case record.

(10) Use F5 to print the automated authorization.

(11) When designated staff is unable to process an authorization, the staff contacts the Operations and Business Processes Section comptroller.

(12) To end the authorization without printing, use F3.

4.Clothing inventory.At each monthly visit, the CW worker discusses with the foster parent any concerns about the child's clothing.When the foster parent fails to provide adequate clothing, the CW worker completes and forwards Form DCFS-117 to the resource specialist.

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