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Library: Policy

340:105-10-36. Area Plan administration

Revised 9-15-22

(a) Policy.  The Area Agency on Aging (AAA) carries out all activities under the Area Plan on Aging.

(b) Authority.  The authority for this Section is Section 306 and Section 212(b)(1) of the Older Americans Act, as amended, and Parts 1321.61 and 1321.53 of Title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

(c) Procedures.  The AAA:

(1) develops and monitors a management plan for the Area Plan on Aging which includes:

(A) overall plan goals;

(B) measurable objectives outlining the plan to reach goals;

(C) action steps that describe how each objective is accomplished, such as specific tasks;

(D) staff assignments of responsibility for each objective; and

(E) target completion dates for action steps; and

(2) submits all required program and fiscal reports related to Area Plan activities to Oklahoma Human Services Community Living, Aging and Protective Services;

(3) develops a Title III request for proposal (RFP) package and provides technical assistance on the applications to prospective grantees;

(4) reviews and approves Title III RFPs;

(5) monitors Title III project programs and fiscal reports in the planning and service area (PSA);

(6) conducts on-site or virtual quarterly assessments with each Title III project and forwards follow-up written reports to each project;

(7) provides technical assistance to the Title III projects as appropriate; and

(8) develops a policy and procedures manual for Title III projects in the PSA.

(d) Cross references.  See Oklahoma Administrative Code 340:105-10-31(a)(3), 340:105-10-33, and 340:105-10-34.

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