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1115 IMD Waiver Renewal 

The OHCA and ODMHSAS will request a 5-year renewal of the 1115 Institutions for Mental Diseases (IMD) Waiver, which expires on December 31, 2025. The goal of the 1115 IMD waiver is to expand access to evidence-based treatment for Medicaid-eligible beneficiaries under 21 with serious emotional disorder (SED) and/or substance use disorder (SUD) and aged 21–64 with serious mental illness (SMI) and/or SUD. This aims to effectively address acute behavioral health needs, reduce morbidity and mortality rates among covered populations, and decrease reliance on less appropriate services, such as emergency room visits. The waiver grants the state authority to provide Medicaid beneficiaries with medically necessary services, including residential treatment, facility-based crisis stabilization, and inpatient care, in qualified IMDs. Additionally, it covers Qualified Residential Treatment Programs (QRTPs) classified as IMDs for beneficiaries under age 21 with SED and/or SUD. This renewal is necessary to ensure the continuation of the program without interruption. There are no substantial changes being proposed; the renewal is simply to maintain the program as it currently operates.

A draft for public comment will be post on or around February 6, 2025. 

Tribal Consultation: 1/07/2025

Public Comment Period: 2/06/2025 – 3/08/2025

Proposed Effective date: 12/31/2025; contingent upon CMS approval




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Last Modified on Dec 27, 2024